Article 19114

Title of the article



Sherin Vladimir Aleksandrovich, Candidate of economic sciences, senior staff scientist in the specialty “Effectiveness of capital investments and new technique”, associate professor, sub-department of management and law, Ulyanovsk State University (42 Lva Tolstogo street, Ulyanovsk, Russia),

Index UDK



Background. In modern Russia there approved the strategies of socioeconomic development of all regions for a long-term prospect. Unfortunately, mass media have no information on results of realization of the said strategies. One can assume with certainty that the material of the article for the first time gives an opportunity to evaluate effectiveness of the strategies under realization on the basis of statistical data of a concrete region.
Materials and methods. The study used official statistical data of the Federal service of state statistics of the Russian Federation. The author suggested a method of evaluation of the regional socioeconomic development strategy results on the basis of indicator dynamics estimation. This method is distinguished from the regular ones by clearness and simplicity of perception.
Results. Statistical data of the Ulyanovsk region’s economic development for the analyzed period clearly testifies about the benefits of the strategic approach to planning economic activity in the framework of certain Russian regions.
Conclusions. Only and exceptionally the scientific approach allows to formulate the strategic goals of regional development. The results of works of foreign researchers in the field of regional economy are covered insufficiently in modern Russia, even though the example of their practical implementation demonstrates positive

Key words

growth poles theory, cluster theory, regional development strategy, socio-economic indicators, location

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Дата создания: 26.09.2014 08:55
Дата обновления: 26.09.2014 12:11